Новости - Modern system which really rescues !



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Modern system which really rescues !
В мире - Новости
13.05.2020 11:50


Intis Telecommunication is a vital program which can provide solution for many problems. This mechanism helps to send SMS easily.


Intis Telecommunication is a vital program which can provide solution for many problems. This mechanism helps to send SMS easily.

Main part

Colleagues all over the world are keen on blowing around urgent information, having conversation about the latest news, or setting tasks. According to the very rapid flow of our life and especially willing to utilise time - many of us give preference bulk texting because that type is the quickest and the most convenient for modern people. .

+ and -

The usage of bulk texting has a lot of pluses. For example:

Automated software. It means that there is option not to do multiple actions for transmitting SMS. Define the assignment, and your recipients will get it.

Quality & price. It is useful to be aware of the limit and refill the balance based upon your budget. The quality of send bulk texts will be perfect.

The expected time of message delivery compiles from 20 seconds to 3 minutes (in case area you are settled has network coverage).


What prospects are possible for departments and industries?

Department Solutions

SMS software is a great solution for business owners. It is a decision for all.

SMS software considered to be a profitable mechanism to achieve each marketing goals. For example:

SMS software could be implemented of the department`s everyday routine. This software can help:

To transfer data to XLS or CSV just with one click.

web developers can integrate Intis Telecommunication API gateway.

By virtue of the innovation you are able to deliver a lot of  messages, send HRL requests.

Unlimited testing access to IntisTele bulk texting system gives permission for debugging your unique program solutions.

It is easy to start with IntisTele SDK for Perl.

Intis Telecommunication plugins and widgets were created for smoothing integration of most major CMS (WordPress).

SMS commands are good for sysadmins as they could establish remote administration and server management.

Bulk texts software is instantly updating on the concrete server infrastructure performance.

Business owners also are able to organize their employees' schedule because of a SMS system. Set tasks for your colleagues.

You can organize your everyday corporate workflow with the help of messages.

Get feedback from customers by means of bulk texts.

Intis Telecommunication assistance is free for everyone. Here it is possible to find an understandable web interface, variant of payment action that will match every wallet and a very attractive affiliate program. Thankfully to SMS software:

It is possible to receive easy access to services. Two components that you require for using SMS system are the Internet and browser.

Solutions by industry

The SMS software solution is perfect choice for financial business. The SMS software could be helpful for solving a issues of different spheres in various industries.

It is a perfect solution for trading. With SMS system there is an alternative to establish notifications concerning offers.

This software is the best solution for improving travel & transport operations and make customers enjoy the best adventure during their journeys.

SMS software is a decision for startups and IT. This application is crucial for SaaS.

SMS warn for providing safety. It could be applied for public safety services.

Prices for SMS

It is easy to refill your balance and set the budget which you can give. Intis Telecommunication could offer different methods to top up the balance. For example, Credit cards.


Application Programming Interface is a approach, with the help of which one device is able to cooperate with the other PC. The program was created to combine diverse applications in one complex.

With API you can request for status

It can be introduced to BPM.


On the occasion you have any additional questions about the system and how it works, do not hesitate to visit IntisTele FAQ.

Instructions for writing the best SMS

Affiliate program

With a unique Intis Telecommunication Affiliate network the user could have a commission because of attracting new client. You can earn around to 10% of the month's top-up balance payment, which is made by the user you have brought to Intis Telecommunication system.

Information sources: https://www.intistele.com/



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